Saturday, 21 November 2009

Local Wildlife

When people think of animals in Africa, they generally think of lions, elephants, giraffes and other big game. Though I’ve been here more than seven weeks, I have yet to see any of those animals. The truth is that in the villages and towns, there is a different set of animals that you will see on a frequent basis. Here is a short rundown of the animals I see pretty much every day.

Farm Animals

Food production and sale is a major source of income for many people here, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that there is livestock almost everywhere. The most numerous animals are chickens. On pretty much every street we walk down, we see chickens, many with a large troupe of chicks following behind. We’ve even seen one set of chicks painted purple (my guess is to prove who owns them). It is also not uncommon to see goats tied up somewhere and grazing on grass. Cows are seen occasionally on the side of the road eating the grass, though sometimes we’ve seen them being driven down the road. Ducks are less common, but we do see them occasionally. They look different from the ducks I’ve seen in Canada. They are a bit bigger and mostly black with some red.


Life wouldn’t be complete with critters. There are many insects that I see every day. The most obvious (and annoying) are the mosquitoes. There are at least two different kinds here (black ones and brown ones) that I have killed. Beyond mosquitoes there are also thousands of ants. Often they mass in large groups when there is food somewhere. I keep my snacks locked up in plastic bags.

There are also the usual spiders (some very big ones) and other flying insects. There definitely seems to be a large variety here – moreso than back home. The common housefly is, not unsurprisingly, very common here and can be very annoying when they keep landing on me (especially when I do my laundry).

The least friendly critters, however, are the cockroaches. Usually I don’t see them unless the power goes out and even then I only see them outside (except for the one I saw in my room a few days ago and tried to scare away but had to kill when it kept coming at me). They are pretty big - my estimate would be about 5-6cm. They like the dark and most of them do scatter away when I shine my headlamp at them.

The picture is actually of a very tiny praying mantis that we saw on the office screen door yesterday. You might be able to tell, but it is a bit small.


Most people would not like the fact that there are many lizards here, but I think they’re pretty cool. There are a large number of types of lizards here, some more common than others. I’ve had four now in my room: two of them were really tiny (and one was on the inside of my mosquito net). They come in a variety of sizes and colours. I’ve already included some pictures previously so I will not add any in the future unless I find some nice looking ones.

Flying Animals

There are a variety of birds around here. Most common are the tiny brown, white and black birds I’ve seen almost everywhere I go (sparrows?) and black crow-like birds. Also, if you pay close attention at night, you can see bats flying around.


I don’t think many people actually own pets here, but I have seen a few dogs and several stray cats. The cats look a little more like the wild cats of Africa (other people disagree with me, but I stand by my views). Generally the dogs are all similar, though we saw some tiny white yappy dogs at a restaurant owned by a Canadian.

Obviously there are more animals here, but this is just a snippet. In a few weeks I will post some pictures of your more sought-after African animals

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