Well, it took almost a full 24 hours after leaving Hamilton, but I did eventually arrive in Dar Es Salaam. The flights were long, the food was mediocre at its best, but I made it here in one piece.
Since I am not using my computer for this entry I will be very brief (I should be able to make longer posts in the future).
Basically I have spent my first full day here learning about different things and talking over expectations, etc. I'm not going to lie. It wasn't the most exciting thing. Though that might have something to do with the fact that I'm still pretty tired from being awake for so long (those of you who know me, know I don't sleep much on planes). It's been good to get to meet everyone (more in future posts) and have time to begin to get accustomed to everything. I'm still exhausted from the last 48-72 hours so I think it will be some time until I am functioning at the level I want to be. But I figure I have that time and I'm not worried nor am I rushing right now. Patience is my friend today.
Tomorrow I have some more orientation and then I will take off to Morogoro. I'm not sure when I will be able to post next, but they may come in bursts (I'll write them on my netbook and then post them whenever I can get to an Internet cafe).
My time is running out here, so I will sign off for now. Once again, thanks to everyone who helped get me here.
End of Trip
14 years ago